Do you think what is that in your hand is inadequate ?

When Moses was called by God to go to Egypt to deliver Israel, God asked ” what is that in your hand ? ” Moses answered ” A rod ” that rod of Moses became the rod of God. With that rod the waters of the Red sea were divided. With that rod the waters came out of a rock. A dead stick in the hands of God’s man became a mighty instrument.

God used the one little smooth stone from the hand of shepherd boy to lay low the man who alone had terrorized and paralyzed with fear the armed forces of Israel. David had no sword of his own ; so he drew Goliath’s sword out of his sheath and cut off his head as a trophy of victory. The threat of Philistians was removed that day because of one shepherd boy’s faith in God.

Whether our circumstances seem too difficult, whether in our homes, in our work place, in our business, or elsewhere. Our resources, humanly speaking, may be no greater than five small stones from the brook and a little shepherd boy’s home made sling or a dead stick , but we have the invisible, inexhaustible resources of the riches of our God.

Let the lord of miracle speak to you as you start this new week of opportunities !

God bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to so many across the globe.